
Véronique Dussud was born in Saint-Étienne, France, where she also earned her preschool and elementary teaching certificate. She moved to Texas with her family in 1983 where she taught in American schools. Upon moving to California, she went back to teaching within the French system, and she was subsequently hired to help start a new French school in the Bay Area. After moving to Seattle and realizing that there wasn’t a French school in such a big community, Véronique founded the French American School of Puget Sound (FASPS) and, a few years later, the French Immersion School of Washington (FISW), where she was Head of School for 18 years before retiring in 2017.

Véronique was awarded the French Academic Palms (Ordre des Palmes académiques), with a rank of officer, for her dedication to bringing French education to preschool and elementary students in the United States.

Though Véronique is enjoying her retirement, travelling and visiting family as often as she can, she is honored to join the board of Les Lilas to share her expertise and experience in founding and developing schools. 

My favorite literary character is Jean Valjean from Victor Hugo's Les Misérables because, despite all his trials in life, he is a decent, empathetic man who helps others survive their life struggles.